Creator Spotlight: OddlyModly

I’ve a tendency to gravitate towards artists whose works reflect my own interests-so naturally, I was thrilled to befriend, meet and get to know OddlyModly of Softcore Garden. They were kind enough to come into the studio and answer some questions.

Opening questions are always so awkward when I’m really acquainted with someone. So instead, I’m going to see how much sheer panic I can cause. Oddly, I hate to tell you this but aliens are real, they’ve landed. They don’t present a clear and present danger-mostly because we don’t know what they look like. So. What would outer space invaders look like to you?

Aliens? Finally, They probably look a little like us, but with an uncanny valley feel because they are probably hiding their true forms so they don’t scare us off. Whatever is under the disguise, though, I hope it’s hot.

Let’s get a few obvious questions out of the way-Oddly, what drew you to sequential art? Or is it even your primary passion?

My love for making comics came from when I was learning animation in college. After going through four years of learning the process, I realized that I loved storyboarding more than anything. It lets me get an idea down quicker, which really works for me because I have ideas running through my head almost 24/7 and animation takes a long, tedious time. I’d rather focus on telling a story than drawing frame after frame for months. 

I’ve noticed in your works there’s a softness of human expression (even with volcanos and plant people) that warms the heart and appeals in an incredibly intimate way. If I’m being earnest, it’s something I very deeply love about your work. How much of that warmth comes into play when crafting a storyline? Is your goal to portray intimacy, or a narrative first?

Intimacy first, narrative second. Being able to get your point across with how characters physically interact is important because there are things we say to each other that words can’t describe. Body language is a universal language that everyone and anyone can understand, especially when displaying emotion. I feel like the movement and facial expression of a character reads louder than words even could. Expressions are what makes a fictional character feel more human, and in turn makes them easier to relate to. That and I just really love drawing funny faces.

Speaking of which, something else I noticed is that your comic-Softcore Garden-while having a definite kink bend isn’t kink exclusive. I suppose what I’m trying to say is, the wedgies are often a vehicle for bringing two characters closer together. Is this something you personally feel as well, or was it a plot relevant detail only?

I feel the same, yeah. Whenever I look at any kink-related media, it’s fun, but I think it’s hotter when there’s a little more context than “these two people are horny.” I could have just made a crap ton of drawings of Vulcan bullying Hedgeway over and over, but that wouldn’t be as fun as knowing why the bullying turns them both on, setting up scenarios, exploring their feelings on the subject, etc. I like my porn with a plot. 

By the way, you draw really good butts.

Thank you! I use a lot of references!

Okay, back on topic-Within our respective fields there seems to be some division on how content is approached. Here at Splathouse and within your own works, I feel confident that both of us (and many of our peers) focus first on warmth, love and respect via consent first and foremost. For many others, consent doesn’t necessarily take a back seat, but the focus is much more on the acts being displayed with less attention on the intimacy between parties. Do you feel there’s overlap between both of these focuses? Was there a particular reason you focused more on emotional stimulation?

This is hard to explain. In my experience, I’ve only seen an overlap some of the time. I strongly believe that consent should be clear in every narrative or lewd art. Being naked, open, and vulnerable to another person is scary. It takes a lot of trust, and that trust can be lost in the blink of an eye. Some people might not realize it but sex is an emotional roller coaster, no matter how casual it is. Letting someone in creates a lot of mental and emotional stress. When you let someone in and you realize you can trust that someone, your body and mind react regardless of how you planned things out. I wanted to capture those silent feelings in my stories because of that. 

If you don’t mind, could you share some of your experiences breaking into the community and field as a black creative? 

Oof. Getting into the NSFW community was simple but not? I could see other artists just drawing whatever they felt like, but it made me feel like there was a standard. You had to have weird, uncomfortable looking sex pose, you had to have dick and coochie on display in every angle, etc. It was a little intimidating. That along with my own personal shyness when it came to drawing lewd art myself. I was afraid to show that part of myself. What made it even scarier was seeing the backlash black artists get for drawing, well, anything. As a black artist, I felt like I was destined to create and be hated for it, simply because I was black. That changed after a while, though. Simply because of the support my friends (from the community and outside the community) have given me and realizing one thing: I can do whatever the hell I want and no one can stop me.

We’re almost done. So-nerds and jocks, huh?

Haha, yeah. It’s a trope I’ve been familiar with in older movies from like the 80’s and 90’. And I always thought it was pretty gay.

It’s a popular trope, but what’s the draw over say, something like enemies to lovers? What about Jock x Nerd interactions speaks to you?

Enemies to lovers is nice and all, but there’s a clear power dynamic going on between a Jock and Nerd. You have the big, strong, confident jock stroking his ego by teasing the smaller, less confident nerd. And for what reason? The jock is already popular and cable. Why would picking on someone less so add to that image? Again: Power Dynamics. The jock wants to feel strong; he wants to feel big and intimidating and there’s no better way to do that than bullying the nerd. The Nerd on the other hand can’t do too much about it, but that’s the thing! The fact that the nerd is subject to the jock’s mercy is what makes this a perfect Dom/Sub relationship. The nerd looks at the jock as something they could be; something that makes an ideal partner…and protector. The jock gets to feel big and in control while his nerd gets to admire that bigness. Add a safeword in there and you’re ready to go! It’s all about that trust I mentioned earlier. 

Oddly, thank you so much for your time. If you don’t mind, is there a place people can find you?

No, thank you for the opportunity! This was fun! I post all my work on Twitter (@oddlynaughty) and I stream on Twitch every Sunday ( I do stream on other days but only if I have the energy. And in case anyone is interested in reading the comic, I post the pages on Twitter, too, but I put them all in one place on their own site (softcore